Recorded Lectures
2023 Nandapañño’s Bicāraṇā Ālambanasaṅgaha (1638 CE): Toward an Intellectual History of Northern Thai Exegesis
Nandapañño’s Bicāraṇā Ālambanasaṅgaha (1638 CE): Toward an Intellectual History of Northern Thai Exegesis
A lecture by Trent Walker (Postdoctoral Fellow, Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford University)
A recording of this lecture is found at lecture2go
2022 Achtsamkeit – Zwischen Selbstoptimierung und ethischem Handeln
Online-Vortragsreihe 2022, organisiert vom Numata-Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde der Universität Hamburg und Netzwerk Ethik heute
28. April: Ariadne von Schirach: Cui bono? Achtsamkeit zwischen Spiritualität und Selbstoptimierung
10. Mai: Anne Böckler-Raettig: (Wie) Kann Meditation soziales Verstehen und Verhalten fördern?
2. Juni: Simon Schindler: Mehr Moral und Nächstenliebe? Ein achtsamer Blick auf den Achtsamkeit-Hype
A Cento of Mahāyāna Sūtras in Khotanese
2019 Transformations of the classical models of meditation praxis in Chinese Buddhism
Transformations of the classical models of meditation praxis in Chinese Buddhism
Prof. Dr. Mario Poceski
A recording of the lecture may be downloaded here.
2019 Postmortem Pilgrimage: The Journey to the West as Mortuary Rite
Postmortem Pilgrimage: The Journey to the West as Mortuary Rite
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Brose
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
2019 Thai Bhikkhuni, International Treaties, and Rights of Minorities
Thai Bhikkhuni, International Treaties, and Rights of Minorities
Prof. Dr. Manuel Litalien
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
2018 International and Interdisciplinary Conference: Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies
From 20-22 June 2018 this International and Interdisciplinary Conference “Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies” brought together 20 scholars of Buddhism and senior Buddhist teachers from the three mainstream traditions of Buddhism, i.e., Theravāda, East Asian (including Zen), and Tibetan Buddhism. They addressed such questions as: What can Buddhist thought and practice contribute to today’s world? How, and how much, can or should Buddhism adapt in order to make those contributions in new contexts? What, if any, must be considered to be core teachings or practices that cannot be subject to revision or adaptation? What strategies have Buddhist communities developed to protect core teachings while responding to rapidly changing technological, social and material conditions?
More details and a flyer with the full program can be found here.
This Youtube-Playlist contains short video summaries and concluding analyses by the lecturers made by Diane Groß.
Panel 1: Buddhist Impulses for Intra-Buddhist and Interreligious Dialogue - Buddhism Between Tradition and Modernity
Manifesting the Buddha Dharma in a Secular Age
Ven. Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhi
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Dialogue or Communion?
What Buddhists and Christians Can Contribute
in Responding to the Crisis of Humankind
Prof. em. Dr. Michael von Brück
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Otherness as a Challenge to Buddhism
Prof. Dr. Sallie B. King
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
The Arts of Buddhist-Christian-Encounter
Prof. Dr. Volker Küster
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Response: Shaykha Halima Krausen and discussion with speakers and faculty
Shaykha Halima Krausen
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
Panel 2: Philosophy and Applied Ethics
Philosophical Positions, Identity Formations, and Responses to Religions Diversity in the
East Asian Traditions of Mahāyāna Buddhism
Prof. Dr. Mario Poceski
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Experience & Epistemology of the Present Moment: The Early Buddhist Perspective
Ven. Dr. Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Buddhist Contributions to Contemporary Moral Reflection: Selflessness and Moral Responsiveness
Prof. Dr. Jay L Garfield
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Words Like Gold: Traditional Buddhism in Dialogue with Contemporary Societies
Prof. Yangsi Rinpoche
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Response: Prof. Dr. Ephraim Meir and discussion with speakers and faculty
Prof. Dr. Ephraim Meir
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
Panel 3: Ethics and Meditation: Aggression, Violence and Peace
Cross-cultural Communication Conflicts Between Traditional Buddhism in Asia and
Modern Western Buddhism (Buddhist Cross-cultural Communications and Conflicts)
Dr. Thea Mohr
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Designing Sustainable Economic Systems—a Contribution from Buddhism
Sander Tideman
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Restoring a Spirit of Radical Empiricism in Science and Religion: A Buddhist View
Dr. B. Alan Wallace
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
The End of Violence is the Path of the Bodhisattvas
Potential Contributions of Mahayana Buddhism to Modern Politics
Sylvia Wetzel
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Response: Dr. Gabriele Rabkin and discussion with speakers and faculty
Dr. Gabriele Rabkin
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
Panel 4: Impulses for Secular Domains – Mindfulness, Psychotherapy, Education, Pastoral Care, Medical Applications
Reimagining Zen in a Secular Age:
Zen Buddhism in Charles Taylor’s Immanent Frame
Prof. Dr. André van der Braak
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Cultivating Good Habits (śīla) and Resetting the Mindset (śamatha, vipaśyanā)
in this Era of Disruptions: the Mind-life (āśraya) & Environment (ālambana)
Curriculum in Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts
Ven. Prof. em. Dr. Huimin Bhikshu
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Social Dharma: How Buddhist Principles Radically
Alter our Understanding of Self and Society
Prof. Dr. Janine Schipper
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
How to Study Buddhism: Content, Scope and Function of the Study of Buddhism
at Universities in Europe
Prof. Dr. Michael Zimmermann
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Response: Prof. Dr. MHEd. Telse A. Iwers and discussion with speakers and faculty
Prof. Dr. MHEd. Telse A. Iwers
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
Panel 5: Engaged Buddhism—Contemporary Issues
Chinese Buddhism in Contemporary Society: Revitalization and Innovation
Ven. SHIH Miao Guang
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
The art of not taking yourself too serious
Prof. Dr. Jan-Ulrich Sobisch
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
All Conditioned Things are Impermanent, Except for Buddhism?
Christof Spitz
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Matching Concepts, Transgressing Boundaries:
Buddhist Transmission Strategies in the International Buddhist Women's Movement
Prof. Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo
The recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go.
Response: Dr. Carsten Krause and discussion with speakers and faculty
Dr. Carsten Krause
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
Questions from the audience (all 5 panels, 20 mins each) and conclusions
Prof. Dr. Jay L. Garfield
The recording of the discussion is available at Lecture2Go.
2018 E-Learning Course on the Nibbāna Sermons
The Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, in cooperation with the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, offered an online lecture series on the Nibbāna Sermons (12 to 22) by Bhikkhu Ñāṇananda during the spring and summer of 2018.
2018 Nibbāna Lectures Recordings
Date | Video Recording Link | Audio Recording Link | Script of the Lecture |
Lecture 12 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 13 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 14 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 15 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 16 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 17 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 18 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 19 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 20 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 21 | video | audio | script |
Lecture 22 | video | audio | script |
2017 E-Learning Course on the Nibbāna Sermons
The Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, in cooperation with the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, offered an online lecture series on the Nibbāna Sermons (1 to 11) by Bhikkhu Ñāṇananda during the spring and summer of 2017.
2017 Nibbāna Lectures Recordings
Date | Video Recording Link | Audio Recording Link | Script of the Lecture |
21 April | video | audio | script |
28 April | video | audio | script |
5 May | video | audio | script |
12 May | video | audio | script |
19 May | video | audio | script |
2 June | video | audio | script |
9 June | video | audio | script |
16 June | video | audio | script |
23 June | video | audio | script |
30 June | video | audio | script |
7 July | video | audio | script |
2017 Buddhism and Scepticism
Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives
From their earliest stages, Buddhist traditions have displayed a sceptical attitude towards various types of accepted knowledge. Buddhist thinkers, beginning from the historical Buddha, questioned metaphysical assumptions, the realistic view of the world, and the reliability of our sources of knowledge, and expressed doubt about common social norms and religious views. In this way, philosophical scepticism played a pivotal role in the way Buddhist thought evolved. It served both as a method for arriving at a reliable and liberating understanding of reality and, as some argue, as an aspect of spiritual practice.
The conference on Buddhism and Scepticism investigates the place of scepticism in the development of classical Buddhist thought from historical and philosophical perspectives. From a historical standpoint, the conference explores the development of sceptical strategies in Buddhism and their relation to non-Buddhist systems of thought in Europe and Asia. From a philosophical point of view, it explores the ways in which sceptical arguments are used in Buddhist philosophical works, and how they resemble, and differ from, sceptical methods in other, non-Buddhist philosophies.
The recordings of the lectures are available here.
2016 Series of Lectures: Achtsamkeit – Kritischer Blick auf einen Trend
Achtsamkeit und Selbstbezogenheit – Eine Kritik aus gesellschaftspolitischer Sicht (27.10.16)
Professor Dr. Hartmut Rosa (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena)
The audio recording of the lecture (in German) is available at Lecture2Go
2016 Series of Lectures: Buddhistische Perspektiven auf Essen und Trinken. Ethische, soteriologische und kulturgeschichtliche Aspekte
Tötungsverbot und Fleischgenuss in Japan
Prof. Dr. Klaus Vollmer (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Die Audioaufzeichnungen des Vortrages finden Sie bei Lecture2Go
Consuming Japaneseness in the Tea Room. Between the Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary
Prof. Dr. Kristin Surak
Die Audioaufzeichnungen des Vortrages finden Sie bei Lecture2Go
The Consumption of Forbidden Food in Chinese Buddhism
Prof. Dr. Ann Heirmann
Die Audioaufzeichnungen des Vortrages finden Sie bei Lecture2Go
Fleischverzehr und Vegetarismus im indischen Buddhismus
Prof. em. Dr. Lambert Schmithausen
Die Audioaufzeichnungen des Vortrages finden Sie bei Lecture2Go
2015 Series of Lectures: Religion, Dialogue and Science
Ästhetik des Wissens. Interkulturelle Modelle von Religion und Wissenschaft im Dialog mit buddhistischer Anthropologie
Prof. Dr. Michael von Brück
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go
The Transmission of Buddhism to the West
Prof. Dr. Jay Garfield
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go
Gender als Prüfstein für einen zeitgenössischen Buddhismus. Neue wissenschaftliche Ansätze aus der Perspektive buddhistischer Theologie
Dr. Carola Roloff, Akademie der Weltreligionen, Universität Hamburg
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go
Buddhismus in modernen Kontexten. Zum Verhältnis von "Religion" und "Wissenschaft" aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht
Jun.-Prof. Adrian Hermann
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2Go
2015 Series of Lectures: Weisheit – Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuell
[ 05.05.2015 - 18:15h ]
Neue Perspektiven der Weisheitsforschung
Gert Scobel, 3sat
The video recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
[ 19.05.2015 - 18:15 ]
Psychologische Weisheitskonzepte und ihre Nutzbarmachung in der Psychotherapie
Prof. Dr. Michael Linden, Berliner Charité
The video recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
[ 02.06.2015 - 18:15 ]
Weisheit und Lebenspraxis: Die Lehren des Buddha, des griechisch-römischen Stoizismus und die Frage der wechselseitigen Beeinflussung
Prof. Dr. Jens Schlieter, Universität Bern
The video recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
[ 16.06.2015 - 18:15 ]
Psychologie der Weisheit: Definitionen, Messversuche und viele offene Fragen
Prof. Dr. Judith Glück, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
The video recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
2015 E-Learning Course on Women in Indian Buddhism
The Numata Center for Buddhist Studies in cooperation with the Women in Buddhism Study Initiative offers an e-learning course on the topic of women in Indian Buddhism. [more]
2014/15 Series of Lectures: Ohne Lehrer keine Lehre? In der Nachfolge des Buddha ...
[ 02.12.2014 - 18:15 ]
Spione, Charismatiker oder Opportunisten? Chinesische Zen-Meister im mittelalterlichen Japan
Dr. Steffen Döll, wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Japan-Zentrum der Universität München
Frei und autonom; unkonventionell und ikonoklastisch ― so stellt man sich im Allgemeinen einen Zen-Meister vor. Der reiche Fundus an Anekdoten, die von solchen exzentrischen Persönlichkeiten erzählen, redet diesen Zuschreibungen das Wort, und die Rhetorik der Übermittlung des authentischen dharma von Herz zu Herz lässt ihrerseits keinen Raum für ein Tun, das sich nicht einzig und allein am Erwachen orientiert. Andererseits sieht sich der Buddhismus durch seine Geschichte hindurch mit spezifischen Situationen und soziopolitischen Entwicklungen konfrontiert, in denen die Vermittlungstätigkeit seiner Repräsentanten über Gedeih und Verderb der Tradition entscheidet. Die Laufbahnen chinesischer Zen-Meister, die im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert nach Japan kamen, bieten hier reiches Anschauungsmaterial: Sie wurden als Heilsfiguren mit offenen Armen willkommen geheißen oder entgingen nur knapp der Todesstrafe; genossen als Äbte der großen Klosterkomplexe von Kamakura und Kyoto höchstes Ansehen oder wurden an die Peripherie verbannt. Welche Beweggründe sie überhaupt nach Japan gebracht hatten, wie sie dort empfangen wurden, tätig waren und weiterwirkten, beleuchten ihre Schriften und Biographien, die im Rahmen des Vortrags exemplarisch vorgestellt und untersucht werden sollen.
The audio recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
2014 Ajahn Brahm: Buddhism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Chances
In cooperation with the Buddhistische Gesellschaft Hamburg e.V.
The video recording of the lecture is available at Lecture2go
2014 E-Learning Course on Bhikkhuni/Bhikshuni Ordination
The e-learning course builds on the foundation of the 1. International Conference on Buddhist Women's Role in the Sangha, which was held at the University of Hamburg in 2007, by continuing the same theme, namely the topic of Bhikkhuni/Bhikshuni ordination. [ more ]
2013 Interdisciplinary Colloquium: Research, Dialogue and Understanding across Religions: Women and Gender Issues as an Organizing Point for Scholarship
An interdisciplinary cooperative event by the Numata Centre for Buddhist Studies and the Academy of World Religions with the kind support by the Fund for Gender Equality of the University of Hamburg (Faculty of Humanities) and the Gustav Prietsch-Stiftung. [ Recorded Lectures ]