Nuns' ordination
This bibliography presents one of the results of a research project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), entitled “The Buddhist nuns’ ordination in the Tibetan canon.” For details, see Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Gepris.
Thanks to the DFG overhead funds, a bibliography on the subject "Nuns' Ordination in Buddhism" could be compiled from this budget.
It contains more than 1,400 titles. The large amount of data required thematic sorting. A project-specific system was developed specifically for this purpose. The bibliography was created and maintained in a database for sustainable maintenance and usability. The decision was made in favour of the literature management system Citavi, as this program convinces by its scope of performance and user friendliness. The creation of the bibliography included the following task packages:
· Research of the published literature in the relevant catalogues and specialist databases
· Incorporation of literature references into a Citavi database
· Development of a topic-specific system and indexing of the content of the titles in the database
In a first step, the bibliography is published in two parts as pdf files.
In the near future we can provide password protected access to a searchable database for scholarly use.
gefördert durch
Gleichstellungsfonds des Asien-Afrika-Instituts
der Universität Hamburg