201511 January 2016|Series of LecturesReligionen, Dialog und WissenschaftenPhoto: Seit gut zehn Jahren haben wir es mit tiefgreifenden Veränderungsprozessen zu tun. Neben einer fortschreitenden Säkularisierung gibt es ein Erstarken...18 November 2015|LectureProblems of Attribution in Chinese Buddhist Translation Literature, and New Techniques for Their AssessmentPhoto: The Chinese Buddhist canon contains over 1700 texts (including several large compendia) understood by tradition to have been translated from Indic...22 October 2015|LectureWhy Buddhism and the Modern World Need Each OtherPhoto: »The mercy of the West has been social revolution. The mercy of the East has been individual insight into the basic self/void. We need both.« (Gary...28 August 2015|SymposiumScholastic and/or Yogin? The works attributed to the Indian medieval scholar SthiramatiPhoto: Sponsored by Tsukuba University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies of Hamburg University2 July 2015|EventInauguration Ceremony “Numata Chair for Japanese Buddhism”Photo: Program, 10:15–11:30h Music: J.S. Bach (1685–1750): Sonata for Flute and Harpsichord in A major BWV 1032, 1. Movement: Vivace (Fragment)...27 June 2015|SymposiumChallenges for Revival and Future Development of Chan-Buddhist Monasteries in ChinaConcerning the history of Buddhism in China there is a widespread lack of knowledge about the very recent developments, and a number of questions...17 June 2015|Series of LecturesWeisheit: Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuellPhoto: Banana Republic images/ShutterstockThe lectures will be held on Tuesday 05 May 2015, 19 May 2015 , 02 June 2015, 16 June 2015, 18:15–19:45 h, Universität Hamburg. 16 June 2015|LecturePsychologie der Weisheit: Definitionen, Messversuche und viele offene FragenPhoto: beerlogoff/ShutterstockPart 2 of the series of lectures: "Weisheit: Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuell". The lecture will be held on Tuesday 16. June 2014, 18:15–19:45 h...11 June 2015|LectureBuddhist and Christian Peacemaking: Mutual Learning Between Engaged Buddhism and Liberation TheologyPhoto: Fabrizio SciamiAre there characteristic differences in the approaches to peacemaking and social engagement that characterize Christian Liberation Theology and...2 June 2015|LectureWeisheit und Lebenspraxis: Die Lehren des Buddha, des griechisch-römischen Stoizismus und die Frage der wechselseitigen BeeinflussungPhoto: mythja/ShutterstockPart 3 of the series of lectures: "Weisheit: Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuell". The lecture will be held on Tuesday 02. June 2014, 18:15–19:45 h...1 June 2015|LectureExperimental Buddhisms: From Japan to the WorldPhoto: This illustrated talk will explore how innovation and activism are creating “experimental Buddhisms” in both individuals and institutions in Japan...19 May 2015|LecturePsychologischen Weisheitskonzepte und ihre Nutzbarmachung in der PsychotherapiePhoto: Grisha Bruev/ShutterstockPart 2 of the series of lectures: "Weisheit: Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuell". The lecture will be held on Tuesday 19. May 2014, 18:15–19:45 h...5 May 2015|LectureNeue Perspektiven der WeisheitsforschungPhoto: Valentin Agapov/ShutterstockPart 1 of the series of lectures: "Weisheit: Alte Traditionen, wieder aktuell". The lecture will be held on Tuesday 05. May 2014, 18:15–19:45 h...14 April 2015|LectureWashing and dyeing the robes: an identity marker in Buddhist monasteries of Ancient India and ChinaPhoto: Among the most striking identity markers of a Buddhist monastic community are the robes worn by its members. It is therefore not surprising that...6 January 2015|LectureGelehrtentum, Meditation und Hierarchie in den Biographien dreier außergewöhnlicher Mönche im thailändischen Buddhismus der ModernePhoto: M. ZimmermannPart 3 of the series of lectures: "Ohne Lehrer keine Lehre? In der Nachfolge des Buddha..." The lectures will be held on Tuesday 06. Januar 2014...Show all news