20133 December 2013|Series of LecturesThree-part Lecture Series: Mindfulness - A Buddhist Practice Takes Therapy by StormPhoto: The subject of mindfulness meditation is continuing to thrive in the West today. Reflecting this is, for instance, a number of large international...7 November 2013|SymposiumModes of Interreligious Engagement: Buddhism and other Religious Traditions in Medieval ChinaPhoto: The central focus of the symposium are the prevalent patterns of interreligious interaction and engagement in medieval China, especially between...11 July 2013|EventEröffnungsfeier: Buddhismuskunde am Asien-Afrika-InstitutPhoto: Wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen zusammen mit uns zu feiern: Nach fast sechs Jahren seiner Existenz erhält das Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde neue...24 June 2013|Lecture'Enoughness': A Thai Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy”Photo: Prof. Dr. Donald K. Swearer (Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard Divinity School) The philosophy of ”sufficiency economy” (sethakit...4 June 2013|Series of LecturesBuddhist Women at the Grassroots - Scholars and Practitioners in DialoguePhoto: An interdisciplinary cooperative event by the Centre for Buddhist Studies and the Academy of World Religions with the kind support by the Fund for...4 June 2013|SymposiumResearch, Dialogue and Understanding across Religions: Women and Gender Issues as an Organizing Point for ScholarshipPhoto: Followed by a Co-Creative Workshop for a Programme on Women in Buddhism An interdisciplinary cooperative event by the Centre for Buddhist Studies and...14 May 2013|LectureBuddhist Ethics as Moral PhenomenologyVeranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem Tibetischen Zentrum e.V. Hamburg It is tempting to try to understand Buddhist ethics in terms of Western ethics...10 May 2013|LectureBuddhism and Political Power: A Provisional TypologyIm Laufe seiner langen Geschichte wurde der Buddhismus in einer Vielzahl von Umgebungen praktiziert. Einige davon unterstützten die klösterlichen...17 January 2013|LectureDer Buddhismus in der japanischen LiteraturDie japanische Literatur wurde von ihren Anfängen an entscheidend vom Buddhismus geformt. Kaum ein literarisches Genre, in dem sich keine Spuren der...Show all news