201416 December 2014|LectureVon Yogis, Mönchen und Tulkus: Was machte Buddhisten in Tibet zu prägenden Figuren?Photo: M. ZimmermannPart 2 of the series of lectures: "Ohne Lehrer keine Lehre? In der Nachfolge des Buddha..." The lectures will be held on Tuesday 16. December 2014...2 December 2014|LectureSpione, Charismatiker oder Opportunisten? Chinesische Zen-Meister im mittelalterlichen JapanPhoto: M. ZimmermannPart 1 of the series of lectures: "Ohne Lehrer keine Lehre? In der Nachfolge des Buddha..." The lectures will be held on Tuesday 02. December 2014...2 December 2014|Series of LecturesOhne Lehrer keine Lehre? In der Nachfolge des Buddha ...Photo: The lectures will be held on Tuesday 02 December 2014, 16. Dezember 2014 and 06. Januar 2015, 18:15–19:45 h, Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee...10 October 2014|LectureAjahn Brahm: Buddhism in the 21st Century Challenges and ChancesPhoto: The lecture will be held on Sunday 26 October 2014, 14–16h, Universität Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Eastwing, Room 221. The lecture will be...17 June 2014|Series of LecturesSeries of Lectures: Aspects of No-SelfPhoto: sukhibarber.comOne of the central principles of Buddhist thought, in its various manifestations, is the rejection of the ultimate existence of a permanent self. This...27 May 2014|LectureEngaged Buddhism: Contemporary Buddhist Social ActivismPhoto: An event of the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies and the Akademie der Weltreligonen at Hamburg University in cooperation with the Tibetisches...23 May 2014|SymposiumCommunities of Memory: Reimagining and Reinventing the Past in East Asian BuddhismPhoto: The symposium presentations explore the multivalent processes and complex issues involved in the remembering, recording, and reconfiguring of the past...1 February 2014|LectureBuddhanatur aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher TraditionenPhoto: M. ZimmermannIn Zusammenarbeit mit dem Studienprogramm der Deutschen Buddhistischen Union Mit Michael Gerhard, Christoph Hatlapa und Michael Zimmermann...Show all news