Dr. Kenichi Kuranishi

Research Fellow
Dr. Kuranishi was born in Fukuoka, Japan. Basically, he grew up in Nara, a famous city for Buddhist temples. He took both B.A. (1997) and M.A. (1999) at Taisho University. Then, he was awarded a doctorate from Tohoku University in 2008. Now, he studies at the University of Hamburg as a postdoctoral research fellow of the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science). His main research subject is "A study on the Buddhist tantric manuscripts of medieval India: the literatures of the Yamāri cycle."
His doctoral thesis is entitled "A study on the literature of the Yamaari cycle" (in Japanese, 265 pages). The contents of this thesis are as follows: 1. Introduction, 2. Background of the formation of the Yamaari literature, 3. Commentators of the Yamaari literature, 4. Annotated translation of the Kṛṣṇayamāritantra, and are added as appendices to the critical Sanskrit editions of the Kṛṣṇayamāritantra, the Yamārimaṇḍalopāyikā and the Sahajāokapañjikā.